Show | Winner | Exhibit |
STAMPSHOW | Nicholas Lombardi | The 1903 Two Cent Washington Shield Issue |
BALPEX | Douglas K. Lehmann | Victory - Overprinted on Revenue Stamps of the Liberated Philippines |
MILCOPEX | Nicholas Lombardi | The 1903 Two Cent Washington Shield Issue |
OMAHA STAMP SHOW | Ronald E. Lesher, Sr. | Wine: U.S. Customs, Duties and Internal Revenue Taxes |
AIRPEX | Irvin Heimburger | U.S. Pictorial Issue of 1869 and Its Usage |
SESCAL | Kenneth D. Gilbart | Appreciating U.S. Classics Issues: 1847 to 1868 |
PNSE | Vernon R. Morris, Jr. | Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: Independent, Carrier, and Local Posts, 1836-1879 |
ARIPEX | Hideo Yokota | U.S. Airmail Special Delivery Issues of 1934-1936 |
SANDICAL | Howard Lee | Usages of the 11-cent 4th Bureau Issue |
ST LOUIS STAMP EXPO | Arnold H. Selengut | 150 Years of U.S. Precancels |
COLOPEX | Joseph F. Frasch, Jr. | Usage of the One Cent Parcel Post Stamp |
ROPEX | Walter J. Orton III | Proprietary Battleship Revenue Stamps of 1898 and Their Precancel Varieties |
MARCH PARTY | Peter G. DuPuy | The 30-Cent and 90-Cent 1861 U.S. Issue |
MEGA EVENT | Nicholas Lombardi | The 1903 Two Cent Washington Shield Issue |
TEXPEX | Jay Stotts | United States: The Fourth Bureau Issue, 1922-38 |
WESTPEX | Martin D. Richardson | Boyd's Local Post, New York City: 1844-1911 |
PLYMOUTH SHOW | Alan C. Campbell | U.S. Official Stamps, 1873-1884 |
PHILATELIC SHOW | Anonymous | Washington-Franklin Postal History |
ROMPEX | Arnold H. Selengut | 150 Years of U.S. Precancels |
NOJEX | Roger S. Brody | Production Varieties: The U.S. Series of 1902 |
NAPEX | Harvey Mirsky | Using America's First Issue to Prepay Domestic Letter Rates-1847-1851 |
AMERISTAMP EXPO | Clyde Jennings | United States Presidential Issue Half-Cent Stamp |
INDYPEX | Robert D. Hohertz | Revenue Stamped Paper of the Spanish American War Tax Era |
MINNESOTA STAMP EXPO | Walton U. Beauvais | July 1, 1971 - Inauguration of the United States Postal Service |
STAMPSHOW | Eliot A. Landau | 90-Cent Lincoln Issue of 1869 (Single Frame) |
BALPEX | Nicholas Lombardi | The 1903 Two Cent Washington Shield Issue |
MILCOPEX | Irvin Heimburger | The U.S. Pictorial Issue of 1869 and Its Usages (Grand Award) |
OMAHA STAMP SHOW | Eliot A. Landau | Five-cent Lincoln Second Bureau Issue |
AIRPEX | Andrew McFarlane | Usage of the 1928 Beacon Air Mail |
SESCAL | Hideo R. Yokota | U.S. Air Mail Special Delivery Issues of 1934-36 |
PEACH STATE SHOW | William DiPaolo | Prexy Coils (Grand Award) |
CHICAGOPEX | Peter G. DuPuy | The 30 cent and 90 cent Denominations of the U.S. 1861 Issue (Reserve Grand Award) |
OKPEX | Matthew W. Kewriga | U.S. 2 cent Vermillion Banknote: Issues of 1875 and 1869 |