In accordance with Article V. Section 2. of the Society By-Laws. President Nicholas Lombardi recommended to the Board of Governors that the Nominating Committee for the 2015 United States Stamp Society election consist of members Wade Saadi (Chairperson). Stephen Reinhard and Edward Grabowski.
Wade is well known to everyone in philately as the past president of both the American Philatelic Society and the United States Philatelic Classics Socie ty. He is also the president of New York 2016. our next U.S. international show. Stephen is the current president of the APS and past president of both The Collectors Club and the U. S. Airmail Society. Edward is a past president of The Collectors Club and received the prestigious APS Luff Award for Distinguished Philatelic Research in 2014.
The Board approved the recommendation and the Committee has begun the task of assembling a slate of candidates. The Committee will present the complete slate to the President. who. in turn. will notify the Executive Secretary so that ballots can be prepared for distribution to the membership.
The names and background in formation of the nominees will be published in The United States Specialist prior to the mailing of the ballot s, which will be included with the annual dues mailing in the Fall . The Executive Secretary will then tabulate the ballots and report the results to the membership. Those elected will serve a three-year term beginning January I. 2016. The elective offices include the Chairman. President. Vice President and Secretary, as well as the Board of Governors. The Treasurer. Editor and Executive Secretary arc not elected but rather are paid employees of the Society appointed by the Board.