- 2022 Annual meeting PIPEX, April 29-30, May 1 – Embassy Suites by Hilton
Portland Airport, 7900 NE 82nd Avenue, Portland, OR - 2023 Annual Meeting NOJEX, Meadowlands, NJ
By Roger Brody
The U.S. Stamp Society will once again have a booth at the annual APS StampShow. The show will be held from August 20th through the 23rd at the DeVos Convention Center, 303 Monroe Avenue NW in Grand Rapids, Ml and we will have our booth manned for the full four days of the s how. The Society will pitch its tent al booth R where we will have a full supply of all the Society publications on hand. There will be special show discounts on certain items, so be sure to stop by and check out the savings.
If you also happen to be an APS member, be sure to get to the show early and pick up one of the free coupon books being given to the first 2,000 APS members who arrive. The book contains 60 different coupons good for discounts and other promotions at various dealers. One of the coupons is for a 50% discount on all of our publications on hand at our booth. This is the perfect opportunity for you to fill in those missing volumes in your philatelic library. If you don’t happen to be an APS member, you can sign up at the s how and receive the coupon book for as long as the supply lasts. As is our tradition, we will hold a Dutch Treat dinner on Friday evening after the show closes. Please stop by the Society booth and sign up for what is certain to be a very enjoyable evening of food and camaraderie.
Details are still being worked out, but all necessary information will be available at the booth. We could really use help staffing our booth and any time you could spare to do so will be greatly appreciated. In addition to those who volunteer, we will have our officers, Board members, committee chairs and authors helping out. This will be the place to meet old friends and make new ones. Please contact me if you can help out. We look forward to see in g a large contingent of our members at this great show. When StampShow was last held in Grand Rapids in 2005, the venue, the hotel s and the show itself were top notch. Make your plans to attend as a good time is sure to be had by all.
By Roger Brody
James Robinson is recipient of the 2014 Hopkinson Memorial Literature Award, given annually for the best article or series published in The United States Specialist during the past year. The award, which includes a plaque and honorarium, is for his “Unrecorded Early Use of the First Electric-Eye Issue – The Fourth Bureau 2¢ Washington Rotary of 1935.” The article appeared in the April, 2014 issue.
The award has been given annually since 1954 in memory of the late Walter W. Hopkinson. It was established by his widow, Mrs. Constance B. Hopkinson, to honor her husband’s interest in philatelic scholarship and to support the dissemination of research and knowledge through the Society’s publications.
The selection committee was comprised, as usual, of the three most recent awardees: Kevin Lowther (acting as chair), Ken Lawrence and Richard Nazar. Robinson’s winning article, which was vetted by the Marginal Markings Committee, is a well-documented analysis of the introduction of stamps printed on specially-marked rotary press plates, using electric-eye technology to guide the perforating process. Although experimentation began years earlier, the first “electric eye” stamp issued — the then-current 2¢ definitive (Scott #634) — was not shipped to post offices until early February, 1935. This was done without public notice. Robinson’s well-researched article provides in-depth background on how this happened and why documenting early uses of these stamps remains a challenge. A list of previous winners of the award can be found here.
—Kevin Lowther
By Roger Brody
In accordance with Article V. Section 2. of the Society By-Laws. President Nicholas Lombardi recommended to the Board of Governors that the Nominating Committee for the 2015 United States Stamp Society election consist of members Wade Saadi (Chairperson). Stephen Reinhard and Edward Grabowski.
Wade is well known to everyone in philately as the past president of both the American Philatelic Society and the United States Philatelic Classics Socie ty. He is also the president of New York 2016. our next U.S. international show. Stephen is the current president of the APS and past president of both The Collectors Club and the U. S. Airmail Society. Edward is a past president of The Collectors Club and received the prestigious APS Luff Award for Distinguished Philatelic Research in 2014.
The Board approved the recommendation and the Committee has begun the task of assembling a slate of candidates. The Committee will present the complete slate to the President. who. in turn. will notify the Executive Secretary so that ballots can be prepared for distribution to the membership.
The names and background in formation of the nominees will be published in The United States Specialist prior to the mailing of the ballot s, which will be included with the annual dues mailing in the Fall . The Executive Secretary will then tabulate the ballots and report the results to the membership. Those elected will serve a three-year term beginning January I. 2016. The elective offices include the Chairman. President. Vice President and Secretary, as well as the Board of Governors. The Treasurer. Editor and Executive Secretary arc not elected but rather are paid employees of the Society appointed by the Board.