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- Create Date November 5, 2018
- Last Updated August 1, 2024
U. S. Postal History of Companies Using Perforated Control Marks
The Atholl S. Glass Collection
A Collection of Rare and Desirable Stamps, Covers and Collateral Material
including Schermack Perfins On- and Off-Cover
This is an exhibit of rare stamps, covers and collateral material including Schermack Perfins On- and Off-Cover from an extensive 11 volumes. It is too extensive to present here in its entirety, so selected pages are shown.
The collection comprehensively shows the postal history of companies which used Schermack control perfin stamps. Additionally, stamp affixer machines and preparation of coil stamps required by the affixing process is illustrated. Also shown is collateral office equipment necessary to handle mass mailings, such as typewriters and telephones of the 1910 era.
Each company’s postal history is shown from their mailings before affixer use, Schermack sealer/affixer covers, control perfins on- and off-cover, use after affixers including postage meters. Where applicable, company sales offices and foreign offices are illustrated.
The collection contains many Schermack perfin rarities and desirable uses on cover. A census of Schermack covers by Curt McCoy appeared in The United States Specialist from February to July 2014. The contents of the collection were included in that census.
The pages presented in this online exhibit include all those in Volume 1 and then just the pages with Schermack perfins on- and off-cover. Thus, the pages shown here are about 190 of the 774 in the collection. Part of the collection were presented in a series of articles appearing in The United States Specialist from 1999 to 2001 which may be accessed via the Digital Specialist Archives of the USSS website.