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- Create Date June 29, 2015
- Last Updated August 26, 2015
Research Paper #09 - Printing History of the First Bureau Issue Plates, 1894-1903
This Research Paper lists all printing information for First Bureau plates used for sheet and booklet pane stamps. For the period 1894-8 we have only a few "to press" dates, but we do have the dates on which the plates were certified and hardened, and this permits determination of which sets of 4 plates went to press together.
This information is listed for early postage due, special delivery, and newspaper plates as well as for the plates used for sheet stamps. Starting in the fall of 1898 we have the full printing history of all plates, and this is arranged first of all by individual plates, and second, for those denominations where plate sets were not kept together, by plate sets that were at press together. Where multiple sets of 4 plates were at press at the same time, the distribution between sets is at times arbitrary, but in most cases plates that were sent to press together and later dropped from the press on the same day were certainly used as a set. This Research Paper also lists the printing periods for the plates made by the Bureau and used to print stamps for Cuba. 41 pages.