An Update on the Marginal Markings Committee
I am very fortunate to have been named as the new chairperson of the Committee on Marginal Markings. I would like to thank President Nick Lombardi for bestowing this honor and allowing me to serve the members of the United States Stamp Society. I would like to thank Leonard Piszkiewicz, the former editor of The United States Specialist, for his encouragement. I would also like to thank Martin Miller, the new editor of The United States Specialist, for his assistance.
I hope to hear ideas and proposals from members regarding areas that need attention, new and old. I plan to bring the various tables up to date in the long series, “The Categorization of Marginal Markings”. There has been a lot of new data generated since the series began in 2004 that needs to be incorporated. The series ended before some of the topics were covered. Catching up on the last 15 years should be given priority by our committee.
Members with suggestions, seeking information, or wishing to help the committee are invited to contact me at or by mail at the address above.