Kim D. Johnson, Editor
310 E N 3rd St.
Georgetown, IL 61846
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The Durland Standard Plate Number Catalog, 2020 Edition
The History of the Durland Standard Plate Number Catalog. The Sterling Stamp Co. published the first Plate Number Catalog in 1950 and in successive years through 1981. Clarence B. Durland initially edited the catalog, with William Patten editing the later editions. In 1984 under the leadership of the late George Godin, the Bureau Issues Association, later renamed the United States Stamp Society, began editing, publishing and expanding the coverage of stamps. The Society produced subsequent editions in 1986, 1990, 1994 with Godin as editor. The 1997 and 2000 editions were edited by Kim D.Johnson. Johnson and W. Wallace Cleland edited the 2005 edition. The 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020 editions, edited by Kim Johnson, were published with full color illustrations and in a larger format. Supplements were issued in 2010 and 2014 .
The 2020 edition provides the most comprehensive research source for plate number information on United States postage and revenue stamps, including tax-paid revenue stamps, with listings for overprinted Possessions postage, Allied Military government stamps and other back-of-the-book stamps, dummy and test stamps, MDI “Blue Cover” booklets and partial plate numbers on booklet and coil stamps .
The 2020 is the eleventh edition produced by the USSS and its publication celebrates the 70th Anniversary of the introduction of the Standard Plate Number Catalog. The new 2020, formatted and digitized by Len Piszkiewicz.