Congratulations to Greg Ajamian, Robert Rufe and Harry Brittain for being selected to receive the Walter W. Hopkinson Memorial Literature Award for the best article or series of articles published in The United States Specialist during 2021.
The award is presented annually and consists of an engraved plaque and honorarium. This year, the award will be presented during the Society’s annual meeting at PIPEX in April 2022.
“Scott #C23c – The Whole Story” was a six-part series published in six consecutive issues from June to November. The well-written and incredibly organized presentation was true to its title of presenting the whole story of this controversial variety. Each month featured a different aspect of the story and all parts were profusely illustrated with images, tables and graphs. Dr. Brittain and his FTIR absorption spectroscopy again played an important role in providing objective quantifiable data to support the contention that Scott #C23c is a legitimate variety worthy of catalog listing. In the end, armed with the whole story, the reader can draw their own conclusion as to whether Scott #C23c deserves its catalog status.
The Hopkinson Memorial Literature Award selection committee normally consists of the winners of the award for the past three years. Serving as chairman this year was Ken Zierer, 2018 winner for “The Dubious Origins of the Scott Listed Variety 424e.”
Also serving was Steven Altman, 2020 winner for “Al Fluegel and the Missing ‘68s” and “‘Expertizing’ a Unique Fluegel First Day Cover.” Harry Brittain, the 2019 winner for “Kaolin Content in the Paper Used by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to Produce the 1¢ and 2¢ Stamps Between 1894 and 1908”, recused himself from voting this year to maintain the eligibility of his co-authors to compete for the prize.
The award has been presented since 1954 in honor of Walter W. Hopkinson, a long-time supporter of the Society and specialist in plate numbers. His wife, Mrs. Constance B. Hopkinson, established the award based on his appreciation of philatelic scholarship.
A list of previous winners of the award is posted on the Society’s website: