The Board of Governors awarded Barbara R. Mueller the Century of Service award at the Society’s Annual Meeting in CHICAGOPEX 2003 held at Chicago, November 22, 2003. The following citation was read at the presentation ceremony:
This award honors Barbara Mueller for her remarkable dedication to philately and the United States Stamp Society. She is the author of three books: Common Sense Philately, United States Postage Stamps and Postage Stamps and Christianity as well as numerous articles on a diversity of philatelic subjects from design and art to postal markings and the U.S. registry system. Barbara has chaired several Society committees including the Postal History and Markings Committee and the Essays-Proof Committee. Barbara also served as the Editor of The United States Specialist from 1972 through 1977 and has been a prolific contributor to that journal for over seven decades. In her “Three Score and Ten Years of the BIA – A Remembrance,” a series of articles celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the BIA/USSS, she profoundly stated “we can appreciate what has been done and gain guidance for what still lies ahead.” Barbara also has served as editor of the The Essay-Proof Journal and Paper Money.
Barbara Mueller has been a valued contributor to the Society and is unquestionably one of the most important philatelic researchers and writers of the 20th Century. She was the recipient of the APS John N. Luff Award in 1956 and signed the APS Scroll of Distinguished Recipients of that award in 1973. Barbara is recognized in the APS Writers Unit 30 Hall of Fame.
The Board of Governors recognizes member number 1790, Barbara R. Mueller, as the recipient of the United States Stamp Society’s Century of Service Award.
United States Stamp Society
Century of Service Award
Barbara R. Mueller
November 22, 2003