Terry R. Scott, USSS Dummy Stamps Study Group Chairman, has been awarded the USSS George W. Brett Century of Service Award. The Award was presented at the General Membership Meeting held at Milcopex, September 15, 2018.
The text of the citation accompanying the Award given to Terry Scott reads:
This award honors Terry R. Scott for his extraordinary dedication to United States Stamp Society.
Terry has had a long interest in dummy stamps and all objects and equipment related to their production and use. Since 1998 he has published more than twenty articles in The United States Specialist regarding these philatelic objects.
In August 2004 Terry volunteered to chair the Dummy Booklets Study Group, a vacancy created by the passing of former chairman Earl K. McAfee. Upon assuming the position, Terry took the bull by the horns and, after polling the members of the group, realized that the focus of the group needed to expand to include much more than just dummy booklets. In September 2005 Terry presented a compelling case to expand their area of study and research to include all types of dummy material and the name of the group was changed to The Dummy Stamps Study Group.
Beginning in the Fall of 2005, Terry began to publish a quarterly newsletter entitled Dummy News and Views which covered not only the stamps themselves but also the various procedures and equipment involved in the production and usage of dummy stamps. Since that time he has produced fifty-one high quality quarterly newsletters.
In addition to publishing his and the group’s findings in The Specialist and the newsletter, Terry has had annual meetings with the editors of the Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps and Covers to review and expand the section of the catalogue dealing with dummy and testing stamps. As a result of his efforts, this catalogue portion has grown over the years to become a major section and has encouraged the collection and study of this material. Terry Scott’s philatelic research and leadership over many years has brought honor to the Society and is worthy of special recognition. Therefore, the Board of Governors recognizes Terry R. Scott for his extraordinary dedication to the USSS as the recipient of the George W. Brett Century of Service Award.
United States Stamp Society
George W. Brett Century of Service Award
Terry R. Scott
September 15, 2018